Kim Il Sung, Man of High Intelligence: DPRK

News code : ۷۸۱۶۹۲

Pyongyang Sinmun, DPRK newspaper Saturday, carries an article on the great personality of Kim Il Sung, the eternal President of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea, on the occasion of his 25th demise anniversary (July 8, 1994).

Kim Il Sung (1912-1994) was a man who possessed the highest level of intelligence.

Regarding reality and practice as a must in pursuing truth and the people as his one and only mentor, he read through numerous books enthusiastically throughout his life. In the course of this, his knowledge reached the highest level possible in width and depth and in stability and scientific accuracy. Still told are the legendary tales about how he provided solutions for the many complicated and difficult problems arising in practice in the whole period of his revolutionary leadership.

World media and eminent political figures said that Kim Il Sung saw through the minds of people of different strata, had an encyclopedic knowledge of the law-governed development of the world and the principles of social life, and possessed an excellent memory with which he vividly remembered till the last days of his life the persons and historical facts related with him.

His high intelligence was a fruit of deep thinking and exploration.

From his childhood he did not ignore even a trifling phenomenon, and delved into it until he learned its principle.

He regarded mysticism as a disease. He was of the view that a man steeped in mysticism becomes a fool, and that nothing in the world is mysterious if one delves into it in real earnest.

His lifelong mentor was the masses of the people.

People is heaven and a wise mentor–this was his lifetime motto.

He went among the people and resolved the problems arising in the revolutionary struggle and practice. He often said to officials that the masses are teachers and they should learn from them and do every thing by relying on them. When he met with CNN newsmen in April 1994, the last year of his life, he clearly said that “the people are the most resourceful and best-informed teachers for me.”

Yasui Kaoru, Professor and Doctor of Laws at Hosei University of Japan, wrote: As I have realized that President Kim Il Sung regarded the people as his mentor and learned from them and so he could author such a great man-centred ideology as the Juche idea and other encyclopedic thoughts and theories, I can hardly express my admiration. Indeed he is the greatest of the great.

Regarding the people as his mentor and learning from them–this was the key to his unexcelled intelligence fundamentally different from that of other statesmen and prominent figures. 

